
包含标签:xgn 的文章
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 44

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 44

    From Hexo String 思考题!! Boggle Constructor Ninetail is a clever fox girl. She loves to play Boggle! the rules are simple: Each player searches for words that can be constructed from the letters of sequentially adjacent cubes, where "adjace……
    XGN 2021年3月14日
  • Upload to Hell Hole Studios Blog - Howto

    Upload to Hell Hole Studios Blog - Howto

    By XGN from Hexo Note: This article is for uploading to Hexo and is outdated (probably for now) The HHS new blog has been deployed for almost half a year, yet there are still some people who don't know how to upload blog. Here's a tutorial &a……
    XGN 2021年2月15日
  • XGNの无想山游记


    From Hexo 大家好,我是组织了假装无想山之旅其实是去坐地铁的XGN。成员有WZZ,ZKY,Zzzyt和我。 这次本来是打算和上次金牛湖(blog已丢失)一样children only的,但是由于我妈也想去,也就召集了许多家长,最后形成了Parent Team。 以下是非常简单的流水账记载……
    XGN 2021年2月14日
  • 狼与香辛料杂谈


    From Hexo 大家好,我是还在读Spring Log的XGN。今天为了blog复兴讲一讲读香辛料的那些事。 此文章将会在HHS Blog和XGN Blog上同步发布,记得都去看看哦 本文是Random Diary系列第2弹,记载乱七八糟的文字现在开始!(病句 关于评分 如果你只在乎评分或者是推荐与……
    XGN 2021年2月13日
  • Modding and Adding Characters to Pressing Competition 2

    Modding and Adding Characters to Pressing Competition 2

    From XGN Blog. Read it here Introduction Pressing Competition 2 or Typing Competition 2 is a Godot game which allows you to choose characters and fight against each other. It's open-sourced under MIT here You can find the showcase here It's dev……
    XGN 2021年1月28日
  • 2020 HHS Big Event

    2020 HHS Big Event

    Originally released on 2021/01/18 on Hexo It seems to be a little late. But here is 2020 HHS Big Event 2020-01-01 Everyone The New Year Party 2020-01-02 XGN, Zzzyt HHSOJ-Essential was published and turned out to be the most useful self-develope……
    XGN 2021年1月18日
  • XGNのNJTHO2020游记


    From XGN Blog. Visit here Disclaimer: 如果您出现在图片中但是认为自己的隐私受到侵犯,请通过博客提供的联系方式邮箱联系我 大家好,我是XGN。差不多两三个月前无意间在thwiki上看到了南京THO03的消息。一看时间刚好是周六,而且是在玄武湖。作为一个新东方众……
    XGN 2020年12月26日
  • [LSS Short] Afterlife

    [LSS Short] Afterlife

    From Hexo Intro I hate writing long articles, so I will make the story shorter. Oh right, LSS does not exist anymore. Then it means, this world will be forgotten and removed soon. Don't feel bad, it's only a branch after all! Read Further Readi……
    XGN 2020年12月19日
  • 使用Idea的Java to Kotlin功能攻略Kotlin Round

    使用Idea的Java to Kotlin功能攻略Kotlin Round

    From XGN Blog. You can also pay a visit to XGN's blog 笔者在Kotlin Hero3中采用这种方法获得了top50的好成绩,为了让更多人了解到这个作弊技巧,特写此文。 目标 在不学Kotlin或基础语法不牢固的情况下在Kotlin Hero比赛中取得优异的成绩。 前置条件 Intell……
    XGN 2020年11月13日
  • [LSS Short] Dream

    [LSS Short] Dream

    This is part of the upcoming LSS 5 by XGN. ONE When we wake up from a dream, are we in reality or another dream? White hall, I garb in the purest white clothes I could find, waiting for the "other one" to arrive. Deep breathing, in and out, I a……
    XGN 2020年5月2日