
包含标签:xgn 的文章
  • Touhou 18 released!

    Touhou 18 released!

    Actually released over 12 hours ago. This game is a lot of first in the Touhou series: First game to have both Sanae and Sakuya as playable characters. First game to have the custom.exe and startup prompt in English. First game to have the render ……
    XGN 2021年5月4日
  • [LSS Short] Excursion

    [LSS Short] Excursion

    It has been 5 months since the last LSS Short... So here's another episode with minimal effort :). Please note this series does not follow chronological order. Without further ado, let's begin. ONE Wondering, pondering, where's my position? Cle……
    XGN 2021年5月3日
  • HHSOJ returned!

    HHSOJ returned!

    The famous OJ: HHSOJ Essential is back now with a newer version!! Experience it here Note: - Unfortunately, all previous users and submissions are lost 🙁 - The server stores password by plain text. Please do not use a secure one. However, we promis……
    XGN 2021年4月25日
  • 2021 Swift Student Challenge(WWDC)参加感想 & 经验

    2021 Swift Student Challenge(WWDC)参加感想 & 经验

    大家好,我是XGN,这次是在Mac上写这篇文章。这次来谈一谈WWDC Swift Student Challenge 2021. 传送门 苹果官网 在我的Blog上阅读 代码和文书参考 工程介绍 我的工程是MIST,MayISolveIt,是一个教育游戏为一体的2D Playground。在游戏中你扮演一名返乡有志青年希望通……
    XGN 2021年4月19日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 46

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 46

    chemistry 思考题 Hydrocarbon Ninetail is building a tree. She has N nodes and she will assign a value from 0 to 3 to each node. All nodes with the same value are indistinguishable. Then she will connect the N nodes with N-1 edges so that they form ……
    XGN 2021年4月18日
  • Orange Boy Got Into Province Team!!

    Orange Boy Got Into Province Team!!

    MonkeyKing got into Jiangsu Province Team of OI!!! Congratulations!!
    XGN 2021年4月15日
  • Haihua AI Cup 比赛小记

    Haihua AI Cup 比赛小记

    比赛地址:here 随缘更新,写出一点progress就更一点 NFLS01 - Zzzyt - XGN UnAbLe - XZM - ZHD Gen1 输出单项B,分数24 Gen2 三短一长选最长,分数40. 使用CreateML,分数42 Gen3 运行baseline,分数54-58. Gen4 Zzzyt秘密项目PROJECT HINA,分数55. UPD 5.1 进复赛……
    XGN 2021年4月15日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 41-43

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 41-43

    OBCYSIO Ep.41 to 43 is hosted on XGN's blog. As I am lazy to copy, please read them here
    XGN 2021年4月14日
  • Test Article

    Test Article

    This is a test article! Markdown H1 HTML Bold Bold Italic 中文中国123 bullet bullet bullet here there zjs Mathjax: 1\leq N\leq 10^{2000} Outline Mathjax: Not supported Addinging picture: Music:
    XGN 2021年4月13日
  • XGNのJSOI2021游记


    From Hexo Also available on XGN Blog 大家好,我是每年都去省选摸鱼的XGN,今年一如既往的抱着旅游的心态去打JSOI,没想到竟然在我们学校……(计划泡汤 所以只能讲讲考场那些事了。 Day 0 周五下午试机还要上cr的选修课(也在机房)。于是就被ls老师叫去当无价劳……
    XGN 2021年4月12日