
包含标签:xgn 的文章
  • [LSS Short] Excursion

    [LSS Short] Excursion

    It has been 5 months since the last LSS Short... So here's another episode with minimal effort :). Please note this series does not follow chronological order. Without further ado, let's begin. ONE Wondering, pondering, where's my position? Cle……
    XGN 2021年5月3日
  • HHSOJ returned!

    HHSOJ returned!

    The famous OJ: HHSOJ Essential is back now with a newer version!! Experience it here Note: - Unfortunately, all previous users and submissions are lost 🙁 - The server stores password by plain text. Please do not use a secure one. However, we promis……
    XGN 2021年4月25日
  • 2021 Swift Student Challenge(WWDC)参加感想 & 经验

    2021 Swift Student Challenge(WWDC)参加感想 & 经验

    大家好,我是XGN,这次是在Mac上写这篇文章。这次来谈一谈WWDC Swift Student Challenge 2021. 传送门 苹果官网 在我的Blog上阅读 代码和文书参考 工程介绍 我的工程是MIST,MayISolveIt,是一个教育游戏为一体的2D Playground。在游戏中你扮演一名返乡有志青年希望通……
    XGN 2021年4月19日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 46

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 46

    chemistry 思考题 Hydrocarbon Ninetail is building a tree. She has N nodes and she will assign a value from 0 to 3 to each node. All nodes with the same value are indistinguishable. Then she will connect the N nodes with N-1 edges so that they form ……
    XGN 2021年4月18日
  • Orange Boy Got Into Province Team!!

    Orange Boy Got Into Province Team!!

    MonkeyKing got into Jiangsu Province Team of OI!!! Congratulations!!
    XGN 2021年4月15日
  • Haihua AI Cup 比赛小记

    Haihua AI Cup 比赛小记

    比赛地址:here 随缘更新,写出一点progress就更一点 NFLS01 - Zzzyt - XGN UnAbLe - XZM - ZHD Gen1 输出单项B,分数24 Gen2 三短一长选最长,分数40. 使用CreateML,分数42 Gen3 运行baseline,分数54-58. Gen4 Zzzyt秘密项目PROJECT HINA,分数55. UPD 5.1 进复赛……
    XGN 2021年4月15日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 41-43

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 41-43

    OBCYSIO Ep.41 to 43 is hosted on XGN's blog. As I am lazy to copy, please read them here
    XGN 2021年4月14日
  • Test Article

    Test Article

    This is a test article! Markdown H1 HTML Bold Bold Italic 中文中国123 bullet bullet bullet here there zjs Mathjax: 1\leq N\leq 10^{2000} Outline Mathjax: Not supported Addinging picture: Music:
    XGN 2021年4月13日
  • XGNのJSOI2021游记


    From Hexo Also available on XGN Blog 大家好,我是每年都去省选摸鱼的XGN,今年一如既往的抱着旅游的心态去打JSOI,没想到竟然在我们学校……(计划泡汤 所以只能讲讲考场那些事了。 Day 0 周五下午试机还要上cr的选修课(也在机房)。于是就被ls老师叫去当无价劳……
    XGN 2021年4月12日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 45

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 45

    From Hexo Useful 思考题!! Replace Hikari is a cute white dragon girl. She is helping Ninetail - a fox girl, her master - correct composition.The original composition is a string S and the corrected one is another string T. Hikari claimed that……
    XGN 2021年4月5日