crimboi[22] 你什么拓扑?
funny problem from model theory problem sheet 题面 Let L be a countable language, T a theory. Let c_1,c_2,... be new constants, L'=L\cup\lbrace c_1,...\rbrace, and let X be the set of all complete theories of L' with T\subset t. Enumerate the L' se…… -
前言 红黑树是一种复杂的平衡树,在大部分情况下都会使用父指针或者递归实现。假如我们一定要三无实现呢? 本文必须配合OI-Wiki食用!! 基础结构 #define BLK_COLOR 0 #define RED_COLOR 1 #define LEFT 0 #define RIGHT 1 #define Color(node) (node==NULL?BLK_COLO…… -
感谢XLH同学指出blog中的一些错误,本文已于2024/9/28更新 引入 AVL树有种种实现方式,其中最自然的是采用递归的写法,毕竟AVL树是递归定义的。但是,有的老师认为“递归时间常数大”,觉得应该用迭代。但是,还有老师认为迭代要用栈,“栈空间大(指占用了 O(\log n) )…… -
crimboi[21] 模仿大赛
Rotman algebraic topology上的题, 个人认为出的非常好, 极大增进了读者对\pi_1(S^1)计算过程的理解. 题面 A group G which is also a topology space is called a topological group if \mu:G\times G\to G:(x,y)\mapsto xy and i:G\to G:x\mapsto x^{-1} are contin…… -
crimboi[20] 泛函分析心犯寒
Dieudonne的题, 真实难度不好说, 回顾一下发现其实挺简单的. 题面 Let E be a Hilbert space, F a dense linear subspace of E, distinct from E. (For example E space of l^2 sum of a suitable countable linear independent set and F space of finite sum of thi…… -
小科普之Principal Ideal Domain is not necessarily Euclidean Domain
It's a well known fact that Euclidean domains are principal ideal domain by taking the element in a certain ideal with smallest \varphi value. Yet the converse is false, and one counterexample just lies among our familiar algebraic integer rings, \…… -
crimboi[19] 吃屎绕大弯
题目背景 为证一个非零吃大师 题面 Assuming AC, prove that for a integral domain R, if any nonzero prime ideal P contains a nonzero prime (p), R is UFD. 先想再看提示哦 提示 Let S be the set of elements that are prime factori…… -
微科普之Necessary and sufficient condition for a sequence to be graphic
This proof is due to Choudum. A sequence of nonnegative integers (d_1,...,d_n) is called graphic if there is a simple graph G with V(G)=\lbrace v_1,...,v_n\rbrace and d(v_i)=d_i. It's very easy to show that if a nonincreasing sequence, i.e. d_1\ge …… -
[indiscipline][2] 初中不等式
飞机上半昏迷状态下以为无法调整, 暴力算出来的搞笑解答. 非常具有统计色彩 (nod) 题面 A simple graph G is called complete k-partite if there's a partion of V(G): A_1,..., A_k s.t. for all i there's no edge with both vertices in A_i , and for any v\in A…… -
高程复习 C++与C的关系 C++包含了C的所有成分 添加了: 更好的支持过程式编程,提高与类型相关的安全性 支持面向对象 支持泛型 带参数的宏定义的缺点: 需要加上很多括号 会出现重复计算 (e.g. ```max(x+1,y*2)```) 不进行类型检查和转换 不利于一些工具对程序……