
包含标签:xgn 的文章
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 55

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 55

    思考题 with hard-to-write checker and interactor Peripheral Lightup! Note: this is not a traditional problem. Follow the instruction in the statement to help construct your solution Lead-in: The Palace is celebrating a festival with LED lights! Ins……
    XGN 2023年7月20日
  • 溧阳游记(zky&xgn)


      趁着高考出分之后,填报志愿之前的间隙,我和小龙一起去了溧阳。时间有限,只够游玩了天目湖和南山竹海这两个最著名的景点,但是整体体验上还是相当不错的。 高铁去溧阳,车程只有半小时   溧阳地处江苏,浙江,安徽三省交界之地,距离南京只有三十分钟的高铁车程……
    ZhukyRLG 2023年6月28日
  • Spice and Wolf: Merchants of Fantasy Release!

    Spice and Wolf: Merchants of Fantasy Release!

    Have you ever imagined a crossover between Touhou and Spice&Wolf? Now there is! Introduction S&W:MoF is a fangame of Touhou and Spice and Wolf: My year with Holo. In the game, the player roleplays the merchant Lawrence and embarks on a jour……
    XGN 2023年6月17日
  • 南京大学 2023强基计划考试经验分享

    南京大学 2023强基计划考试经验分享

    大家好,笔者是2023届高中毕业生XGN。最近有幸参加了南京大学的2023届强基计划招生,现分享一下经历: 初赛 初赛人很多,在仙林校区进行。笔者报名的专业考察内容是「数理探究」(aka数学+物理)。考试时间1.5h,12道数学,12道物理,选择题,6个选项,满分100.每门学……
    XGN 2023年6月14日
  • 中国科学院大学 和 南京大学 2023综合评价考试经验分享

    中国科学院大学 和 南京大学 2023综合评价考试经验分享

    大家好,笔者是2023届高中毕业生XGN的说。今日参加了国科大和南大的江苏省综合评价考试,现在和大家分享一下流程和题目: 国科大 需要准备的材料是综评报名表(要上交)、身份证、证书原件、证书复印件(要上交) 报考学生会被随机分到不同时间段参加考试,每个时间段……
    XGN 2023年6月10日
  • 英語読解問題(嘘)


    XGN 2023年6月4日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 54

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 54

    Solved! Difficulty: Div2C 思考题 in dreamland Construct it XGN dreamt about the following problem when sleeping: You are given a positive integer n (2\leq n\leq 10^8). Output an arithmetic expression that yields the value n with the following……
    XGN 2023年6月3日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 53 - Gaokao Special 2

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 53 - Gaokao Special 2

    思考题 which is an adaptation from a popular problem. The source problem is very popular. IDK if this adaptation has been made or not. Adaptation There are N people indexed from 1 to N in a room. Each of them is given a hat of a random color. The t……
    XGN 2023年3月15日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 52 - Gaokao Special 1

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 52 - Gaokao Special 1

    Finally some geometry! Maybe very easy though. Currently I am undergoing the College Entrance Exam(GK) so I don't have many ideas for Competitive Programming problems. This problem is inspired by some math problem in GK Simulation. Of course, this ……
    XGN 2023年3月15日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 51

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 51

    思考题 of Div2B-C Elevator Welcome back to OBCYSIO! Orange Boy has been promoted to LGM boy so this series is in an awkward situation. This problem is very easy. Consider an elevator with a max speed of v_m m/s and an acceleration of a m/s^2. When ……
    XGN 2022年10月30日