
包含标签:xgn 的文章
  • Shanghai in Caligine(XGN&ZKY)

    Shanghai in Caligine(XGN&ZKY)

    概述 本文为2024年2月XGN(笔者)与ZKY前往上海City Walk的游记。 题目~为了体现上海的洋文氛围~使用了拉丁语。 缘由 春节期间,国铁部门为了更快的响应旅客春节期间过年回家的需求,加开了许多临时列车。而其中又有这样的几辆车,考虑到人民收入水平不均,价格十分的……
    XGN 2024年3月15日
  • 浅谈Minecraft服务器的常用替代和多人联机的种种方案


    水水文章。 笔者和HDD 292在寒假时一起游玩了 Create Arcane Engineering 整合包。由于笔者手头拮据,并无多余的资金购置服务器,于是探索了几种常见的服务器平替和端口映射方法,现比较: Essential Essential是国外大佬团队开发的游戏内社交平台mod,支持好友、聊……
    XGN 2024年1月2日
  • Orange Boy Can't You Solve It Out? Ep. 59

    Orange Boy Can't You Solve It Out? Ep. 59

    思考题 aimed for inexperienced participants? Silenced! Ookami and her teammates are taking an English class. The team has n people(animals?) in total. Initially, each person can raise his/her hand and speak freely. However, once a student has raise……
    XGN 2023年12月19日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 58

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 58

    Solved! Difficulty: Div2 C 思考题 in mid autumn LianLi Branches Wulpit has drawn n nodes(indexed from 1 to n) and n-m edges on paper for homework assignments. They form m rooted trees (aka a forest). However, when she went to the toilet, Fely……
    XGN 2023年12月6日
  • Green Boy Can't You Solve It Out? Ep. 2

    Green Boy Can't You Solve It Out? Ep. 2

    Solved! Difficulty: Div2B 1 problem for div3 participants. Beautiful Dice Painting When Epis is bored, she will draw dices. The canvas contains n*n dots. Initially they are all white. You need to paint exactly v dots black so that the final c……
    XGN 2023年10月22日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 57

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 57

    trivial 思考题 I am Banach This is a classic problem by Banach nearly without any change. There are N boys and M girls. Each boy loves a single girl and each girl loves a single boy. Your task is to divide the boys into two groups A_0 and A_1 and t……
    XGN 2023年10月7日
  • Announcement on Solutions for Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out

    Announcement on Solutions for Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out

    Starting from today, we will try to write tutorials and rate difficulties for already solved Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out?(OBCYSIO) problems and separate them from unsolved/unsolvable ones. There's a new category called Solved OBCYSIO and you ca……
    XGN 2023年10月6日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 56

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 56

    思考题 during OI recovery Rubbish Problem Maybe you have heard of the evil problem Hilbert's Hedge Maze and here's another very fun problem! You have n items arranged in rows. Each row contains r items and the items are arranged from left to right,……
    XGN 2023年10月6日
  • 日行紀要(XGN)


    概述 本文为XGN(后文称笔者)与其母(后文称母)于令和五年八月六日到十四日的日本国游记,在HHS博客上发表,XGN博客上转录。 「日行紀要」(にこうきよう)? 在笔者之前,已经有一篇翔实而又生动的游记——日本国游记 笔者不及Z氏的文笔和才华,本文也只是简单概述所……
    XGN 2023年8月15日
  • 湖州游记(zky&xgn)


    ZhukyRLG 2023年7月26日