包含标签:xgn 的文章
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.13
思考题 on trees again Tree You are given a weighted undirected tree T of N nodes. Each edge i has a weight W_i. Assume that the edges you need to travel from node i to j is E_1,E_2,E_3...E_k then we define $c_{i,j}=(-1)^k \times \sum {i=0}^kW{E_i}F…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.12
思考题for Ep.11 Lunatic Walking Orange Boy loves walking. One day, he wanna walk from (sx,sy) to (ex,ey) the boy can walk in three types: from (x,y) to (x\pm1,y) by costing A yuan from (x,y) to (x,y\pm1) by costing B yuan from (x,y) to (x+1,y+1…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.11
是时候放松一下,做一道简单的题目了 Walking Orange Boy loves walking. One day, he wanna walk from (x_1,y_1) to (x_n,y_n) the boy can walk in three types: from (x,y) to (x\pm1,y) by costing A yuan from (x,y) to (x,y\pm1) by costing B yuan from (x…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.10
思考题 from school PKU PK P Given an integer array A of length N. Define a number is strong if it is not the first or the last number in an array and it is strictly bigger than both the number before and after it. For example, in the array [2,0,1,7…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.9
Solved! Difficulty: Div2B-Div2C 思考题 that seems easy A perfect word Given N strings. Find out a longest string so that each substring of it is one of the N strings. Example Input str={a,t,at,orange} Output at Constriants Subtask 1(30%):N<…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.8
思考题 for stupid myself A well-known task Given N segments [L_i,R_i] with weight W_i. Now you want to choose some segments s_1,s_2,s_3,...,s_k so that |[L_{s_1},R_{s_1}]\cap [L_{s_2},R_{s_2}]\cap ...\cap [L_{s_k},R_{s_k}]|*\sum_{i=1}^kW_{s_i} is m…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.7
unsolvable 思考题 for unsolvable monkey Dragon Bone Reborn As a dragon yourself, it is very hard for you to live for every day there're a lot of knights who want to kill you and your bones are frequently broken. Your bone system can be seen as a un…… -
PKU SC 2019 Diary Day 3
PKU SC 2019 Diary Day 3 呃呃,最后一天了,也没什么好讲的了。 「早Mor」 结营仪式,,,顺便请大家回顾一下前几期的BLOG就知道这一次去北京是干什么的了。先是致辞,然后讲题(By狐狸精本人),然后是颁奖…… 「解Sol」 D1:数组轮 启发式合并,状压轮廓线(好像很…… -
PKU SC 2019 Diary Day 2
PKU SC 2019 Diary Day 2 如果您是大佬,请不要阅读 Morning 恰早饭…… 重点是早上的大师讲坛。讲师是John Hopcroft from Cornell University.讲了一些杂谈,不过都是英语(汗)。凭借着我的高超英语水平猜测能力,大概讲了如下内容: - 一个D刺螈的球体的体积当D趋于∞…… -
東方地獄洞文档(Touhou: Shining Heroes In Deep Dark Hole)
東方地獄洞 is a fangame of Touhou made by LuaSTG Download Broken Links: Download Alpha3.1 Download Alpha4 Active Links: Download Alpha4.1 Download Beta1 Download Beta2 Download Beta3 Note: 服务器抽风乃正常现象。请等待几秒后多次重试。 Screenshot A ……