包含标签:xgn 的文章
PKU SC 2019 Diary Day 1
PKU SC 2019 Diary Day 1 备注:如果您是大佬,请不要往下阅读 Morning 在Hotel吃的早餐,虽然很想睡觉,但是早饭就糊过去。早饭的时候有一对日本金松夫妇和一个翻译……翻译一直在说:“それそれ”什么的…… 然后参加了开营仪式,和冬令营的一模一样,嗯,太好了,浪费50…… -
PKU SC 2019 Diary Day 0
PKU SC 2019 Day 0 又是一个学期来PKU……这次来到了真正的北京上次是假北京真广州 Nanjing ~ On the way ~ 走的时候就在堵车……早上8点的火车,7点出发,途中经过宁海中学和鼓楼实验小学,然后,你们也知道的。对,路堵死了……结果堵了半天。你美死了 Nanjing ~ On the t…… -
HHSOJ Dev Log 2019/5/19
Added: User talk A change to the nav.jsp Some random changes Beat ZJS New bugs and bug fix readme.md getoj.py & getoj.sh status bug fix -
Touhou 8游戏简评及系列对比
STG菜鸟在此…… 今天有幸达到了Touhou8的Good Ending 1,同时又写了D.P.的简评,再来写个又无妨…… 本人是玩过TH1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,14,15,16,正在练习TH11,12。其中TH8,9,10,13,14,16有NE+ 结局。顺便大家可以看一看各代的分数对比。 优点 ~ Advantages ~ 画面…… -
名侦探皮卡丘 游戏简评
好吧,有感而发,最近看到电影在中国上映了,于是心血来潮玩了一下游戏,说一说自己的感觉吧……该文章仅为个人感受。 优点 ~ Advantages ~ 将宝可梦融入的很好:游戏中多次使用宝可梦的特性等进行解谜。 中文支持: If you are not Chinese, ignore this line. 画质:…… -
趙鎹圣慕岭~Circle Cycling Circumstance~
趙鎹圣慕岭~Circle Cycling Circumstance~ the second project of ZhaoSong series! This time you will slap your foe hard! Download -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.6
思考题 for no one Tour You are given a tree of N nodes. Given another integer array A of length M. Little CMJ chooses M sequences of nodes. The i-th of them is X_1,X_2...X_{A_i} and he chooses them so that for each 1\leq i\leq A_i-1,there's an edge…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.5
思考题 for blue boy Roguelike Tree Statement You are given a tree of N nodes. Each node could be 3 status: passable(.), impassable(X), unknown(?). Now we randomly replace each "unknown" to "passable" or "impassable" then we need to find out the exp…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.4
思考题 for nobody Rougelike Game You are given a graph of N*M grids. Each grid can be a wall 'X',a path'.' or unknown '?' One grid is the start point 'S' and one grid is the end point 'E' Now we change the '?' randomly to 'X' or '.' and run shortes……