
包含标签:xgn 的文章
  • JSOI 2019 Diary Round 2 Day 1

    JSOI 2019 Diary Round 2 Day 1

    JSOI 2019 Diary Day 4 又是一场噩梦…… Problem A 一道毒瘤题的样子?读了2遍才把题目读懂……然后发现就不会做了。先去做T2了。 Problem B 我一看,和我出给300iq的神秘题目一样吗?不过要计数,难度瞬间上去了……10分的状压DP还是蛮好写的,然后写了20分的排列组合WA掉……
    XGN 2019年4月28日
  • JSOI 2019 Diary Round 2 Day 0

    JSOI 2019 Diary Round 2 Day 0

    JSOI 2019 Diary Day 3 第一轮烤考炸掉了我又厚颜无耻充满希望的回来啦!这次比赛是2019/4/28日在熟悉的南航举行。今天是试机日……本来不打算来的,但是试机可以不上HBHB说晚上不上课来试机,于是我就来了。 preInit(); 来得太早,人家还在上课……只能在教室外面等。看……
    XGN 2019年4月27日
  • HHSOJ Dev Log 4/21

    HHSOJ Dev Log 4/21

    期中考试不更新 🙂
    XGN 2019年4月21日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? EP.3

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? EP.3

    思考题 for everyone Man on Graph Given a graph of N nodes and M edges. On node i there are A_i men. Then each person moves along 1 edge randomly connected to the node he stands. But if two men walked along the same edge, they'll fight and both die.……
    XGN 2019年4月21日
  • Hell Hole Legend 2 Episode 1 - The Hamburger Turnabout Release

    Hell Hole Legend 2 Episode 1 - The Hamburger Turnabout Release

    What's the story behind the hamburgers? Welcome to Hell Hole Legend 2 Episode 1! Installing Download the game zip and run the PyWright.exe Click "Games" and click on the episode title to play:) Follow ingame instructions. Download For HHS Members,……
    XGN 2019年4月20日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.2

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.2

    Solved! Difficulty: D2E 思考题 for everyone Man on Graph You are given M chains each of N+1 nodes. We call the i-th node on the j-th chain (j,i-1). We define a bridge edge connecting (a,b) and (c,d) as follows: - a≠c - b=d - b and d don't equ……
    XGN 2019年4月16日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.1

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.1

    Solved! Difficulty: Div2E 思考题for everyone Dynamic DP You are given: integer arrays A and dp of length N. integer arrays l and r of length N. For each 2\leq i\leq N,1\leq l_i\leq r_i\leq i-1 Known: dp_1=A_1 dp_i=min(dp[l_i,r_i])+A_i for 2\l……
    XGN 2019年4月14日
  • HHSOJ Dev Log 19/4/14

    HHSOJ Dev Log 19/4/14

    更新内容 根据SYR神犇要求,在网站上添加代码编辑器。使用了ACE,而且还贴心的设计了自定义编辑器的功能。可以自己调样式、字体、自动补全等…… 同时提供了可供管理员自定义的Preference系统(就是用户参数表……)。可以修改源码增加Preference。 修复了一些BUG 注意:……
    XGN 2019年4月14日
  • Codeforces Round #551 (Div.2)

    Codeforces Round #551 (Div.2)

    Member: Chairman Jing, XGN, ZJS, XZM, ZHD Also In: Dummy Rong,HTC Problem Solver FST A All ZHD(hacked) B All None C All ZHD(unfinished) D Chairman Jing ZHD(unfinished) E Unsolved F Unsolved
    XGN 2019年4月13日
  • The story of Tengfei Ep.2

    The story of Tengfei Ep.2

    The story of Tengfei Episode 2 - The TengFei University Exam Hi, I am your friend ZJS again! As we know, in China we have 高考(University Exam) and in Tengfei country, we have two colleges: one is a special university called 腾飞国大学(Tengfei Univ……
    XGN 2019年4月13日