包含标签:xgn 的文章
HHS announces bankruptcy!
Sadly, HHS has no money to afford servers and domains 🙁 After 6 months, OJ will be shut down and the blog will be transferred to Github. The detailed link will be announced soon. Our project list and Discord servers will be still open. The datailed…… -
[XGN] CSP-S 2019 Diary
趁着XIZCM正在编辑,我也胡一篇 序章 「南京繁华夜」 周五晚上上完LD之后就来了,到达翠屏山宾馆9:40,没有干任何事情,睡觉睡不着。 路况不太好,晚上回江宁的人很多。 首章 「霸权不在晨」 11-16是第一天,看了一下,T1可做,不过要开ull很是奇妙。 T2可做,但是想…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 28
思考题 for 300iq Little Town Hero If you prefer easier version, please move to Ep 28.5 XGN is playing the new game Little Town Hero(LTH) recently, but he is too stupid to beat the bosses. So he askes Orange Boy to help him. In each turn, the player…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 27
思考题 which is NSFW ZJS Big Gay If you are under 18, ignore this base64 code WkpTIGRpZG4ndCBwZXJmb3JtIHdlbGwgaW4gdGhlIENTUCBSb3VuZCAxLCBzbyBoZSB3YW5uYSBnYXkgd2l0aCBoaXMgZ2F5ZnJpZW5kLiBCdXQgaGlzIGdheWZyaWVuZCBzYWlkOiJZb3VyIGRpY2sgaXMgdG9vIHNtYWxsIS…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 26
思考题 for CSP CSP First Round Multiple Choices(多选题) & Write Answer(问题求解): 1. 下列编码,你应该知道含义的是() A BCD码 B Ascii码 C 海明码 D 机内码 平面上有三条平行的直线,上面分别有7,5,6个点,且不同直线上点三点不共线。由这些点组成三角…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.25
思考题 which is obvious Deja Vu There is a ball located at the origin point of a n-dimensional space. Its speed can be seen as a vector of n integers. Its acceleration can be seen as a vector of n integers too. Every second, an event will happen, a…… -
Orange Boy/Red Girl/Legendary Grandmeow Can You Solve It Out? Ep.2
思考题 for implementing CPP Program You are given a C++ Program without any compiler command (without '#'). It's made sure it will pass compilation when tested on Codeforces C++ 11 compiler after adding necessary imports. You have to solve the prob…… -
Huawei Honorcup Round 2 比赛小记
随缘更新,写出一点progress就更一点 UPD1: 10.1 12:00 把图片读入转像素点完毕 UPD2: 10.1 14:15 jgh爆写restore,xgn写出checker UPD3: 10.1 19:00 考虑用颜色的相似度来判断两个block是否相似,再使用模拟退火找出答案,jgh NB! UPD4: 10.2 写了一个combination,进行……