包含标签:xgn 的文章
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 34
思考题 about cheating Lottery Cheating Let's have some lottery! In this lottery system, a number string S and an array of integers A is predetermined. It is known that |A|=|S| and let's define A_0=0. Each user chooses a number string T(|T|=|S|). Th…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 33
思考题 Times A shadow pokemon! Recently the famous game Pokemon SwordString was released. XGN, one of the biggest fan of Pokemon, decided to have a try. In each battle, your Pokemon can be seen as a string A and the enemy can be seen as a string B.…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 32
思考题 in one sentence Yet Another Easy Problem Find any positive integer pair a,b so that (a+b)+(a+b)\mod k=n where k,n are given or -1 -1 if not found. Examples Input K=100 N=268 Output 200 34 Explain 200+34+(200+34)mod 100=234+34=268 Input K=100…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 31 (Hard)
Solved! Difficulty: Div2E-Div2F If you prefer easier problem, please visit here 思考题 for dw Childish War (Hard) Miss. Broken Tail(Wei Duan) is the Math teacher of NFLS Class 8 Junior 3.She is a kind teacher. Miss. East(Fang Dong) is the Mat…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 30 (Easy)
Solved! Difficulty: Div2D-Div2E If you prefer harder problem, please visit here 思考题 for dw Childish War (Easy) Miss. Broken Tail(Wei Duan) is the Math teacher of NFLS Class 8 Junior 3.She is a kind teacher. Miss. East(Fang Dong) is the Mat…… -
rng_58@号家军 Training 2 Diary
今天来到了rng_58的Training 2.难度是Div2. 首先一如既往的开始,我和XIZCM,ZZZYT,MK一起乘坐2路到达锁金村,在那之前和ZKY吃了西安面馆,同时读了题目。 RNG仍然先吃Pizzahut,dreamoon到场。 开始讲题,先统计过的人数(7,7,1,4,1,1)之后讲了4题,休息。 之后…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.29
思考题 with NFLS teachers Husky Miss Husky (Shiqi Hao) is the Art teacher of NFLS Class 8 Junior 3. She is a kind teacher. But in fact, she is a spy working for NFLS. One day, she received the task to observe all the schools in Nanjing. There are N…… -
NFLSPC Round 2 (XGN perspective)
Carrott视角 警告:本篇文章含有辱骂出题人内容,请酌情观看。 16:30 ZKY直接从班主任手中夺来提前离校权吗,乘坐2路返回本部。在某E茶吃饭。 17:30 比赛正式开始,不断网,非常爽! Fire 先看的这一题,难度1.00,非常简单的Dijkstra板子题,简单到让人感觉为出题…… -
rng_58@号家军 Training 1 Diary
不知道可不可以发……先写了吧。 首先,一放学就从南外乘坐2路到锁金村站下车,中间吃饭略,然后到达非常破烂的校园。教室在211,有DXM妈接待。 桌子上铺满了绿色的毯子,十分柔软,椅子上也是黄色的像大餐厅一样的布。得知没有网络和电源插座,非常sad 🙁 然后发了一本…… -
今天TM研究了一天这个破烂问题。 问题本质是git不走系统代理,再加上Github Desktop又不支持手动设置代理,只知道憨憨的调用git命令。解决问题的方法非常简单,就是设置git代理: 在命令行中输入(确保git在目录或path下): git config --global https.proxy……