
包含标签:english 的文章
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 55

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 55

    思考题 with hard-to-write checker and interactor Peripheral Lightup! Note: this is not a traditional problem. Follow the instruction in the statement to help construct your solution Lead-in: The Palace is celebrating a festival with LED lights! Ins……
    XGN 2023年7月20日
  • Spice and Wolf: Merchants of Fantasy Release!

    Spice and Wolf: Merchants of Fantasy Release!

    Have you ever imagined a crossover between Touhou and Spice&Wolf? Now there is! Introduction S&W:MoF is a fangame of Touhou and Spice and Wolf: My year with Holo. In the game, the player roleplays the merchant Lawrence and embarks on a jour……
    XGN 2023年6月17日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 54

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 54

    Solved! Difficulty: Div2C 思考题 in dreamland Construct it XGN dreamt about the following problem when sleeping: You are given a positive integer n (2\leq n\leq 10^8). Output an arithmetic expression that yields the value n with the following……
    XGN 2023年6月3日
  • 测试逻辑[番外] 超限归纳在拓扑上的一个应用

    测试逻辑[番外] 超限归纳在拓扑上的一个应用

    此文作讲解的不是数理逻辑, 而是测试逻辑中一个重要定理---超限归纳在拓扑的一个基本定理上的应用(其实还顺带介绍了不少拓扑). 当然, 在本篇的之后可能会讲到佐恩引理, 那么这些用超限归纳解题的过程都能被简化, 这也是大多数教科书所用的做法. 不过归根结底本文目的……
    HDD 2023年5月13日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 53 - Gaokao Special 2

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 53 - Gaokao Special 2

    思考题 which is an adaptation from a popular problem. The source problem is very popular. IDK if this adaptation has been made or not. Adaptation There are N people indexed from 1 to N in a room. Each of them is given a hat of a random color. The t……
    XGN 2023年3月15日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 52 - Gaokao Special 1

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 52 - Gaokao Special 1

    Finally some geometry! Maybe very easy though. Currently I am undergoing the College Entrance Exam(GK) so I don't have many ideas for Competitive Programming problems. This problem is inspired by some math problem in GK Simulation. Of course, this ……
    XGN 2023年3月15日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 51

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 51

    思考题 of Div2B-C Elevator Welcome back to OBCYSIO! Orange Boy has been promoted to LGM boy so this series is in an awkward situation. This problem is very easy. Consider an elevator with a max speed of v_m m/s and an acceleration of a m/s^2. When ……
    XGN 2022年10月30日
  • ZJSTG2 Release!

    ZJSTG2 Release!

    After four months of development and nearly six months of Koto and TestSTG 5 development, here is the latest installment of ZJSTG -- ZJSTG2!! Probably the biggest(only) game project in 2022 Introduction ZJSTG2 is a Touhou-style bullet-hell shooting……
    XGN 2022年6月30日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 50

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 50

    anniversary 思考题 Very Easy Problem Wow! OBCYSIO has reached 50 episodes! Let's celebrate using a very popular and easy problem. Hikari and Ninetail are playing a game on an undirected graph of N nodes and M edges. They move in turns, with Hikari ……
    XGN 2022年5月14日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.18.5 (the lost obcysio)

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.18.5 (the lost obcysio)

    Solved! Difficulty: Div2D-Div2E Note: this problem is drafted on 2019/7/30 by XGN and not released. It's now released on 2022/1/2 by Zzzyt under his permission. Statement Yuqi has an rooted indexed tree T of N nodes indexed from 1 to N. The n……
    admin 2022年1月2日