包含标签:english 的文章
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.19
比以往更加黑暗的思考题 广西省人大音乐 不支持audio!! Idolatrize World Haniyasushin Keiki loves crafting. She has n kinds of items. The i-th kind of item has name name_i. She also has m recipes. The i-th recipe needs len_i of different kinds of dif…… -
Orange Boy/Red Girl/Legendary Grandmeow Can You Solve It Out?
思考题 for grand contest Orange Boy(Monk.eyk.ing),Red girl(Mack.erel.pike) and their cat LGM(Legendary.Grand.Meow) are a happy family. But in fact, they are the heroes that is helping the world in silent. One day, the earth is under the attack…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.18
思考题 about poems Is your love as confusing as the sun acquiesced? Once a Chinese poem said: There's sun in the east but rain in the west, Is your love as confusing as the sun acquiesced? Now you are given a undirected weighted graph G of N …… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.17
思考题 for Hakurei Reimu Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom ZJS loves playing Touhou. In the famous STG game Touhou:Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom the game rules are defined as follows: The game consists of N "stages". Player start from Stage 1 and ends at Stage…… -
Dr.Jing's Lecture Note Ep.2
OGF - Cayley Formula Question Statement Prove # of trees on [n] = n^{n-2} Solution f:(1,2,3,...,n)\to(1,2,3,...,n) f(1)=1,f(n)=n Functional Digraph(directed graph) D V(D)=[n] 编者注:V为节点集合 (i,j)\in E(D) if f(i)=j 注:E为边集合 Example | …… -
Dr.Jing's Lecture Note Ep.1
$\mathcal A$ is a collection of combinatorial objects. => $\mathcal A$ and $\mathcal B$ are combinatorically isomorphic if there exist a size-preserving bijection between $\mathcal A$ and $\mathcal B$ Q1 Prove that number of Dyck Paths D_{n-1} equa…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.16
思考题 of math again Slime Legend II In the world of fantasy, there lives N+1 types of monsters indexed from 0 to N. Each monster can be represented by an integer pow_i - their power. And specially, type 0 is SLIME. Slime has a special ability to "…… -
置顶 [README]Guide Post/欢迎来到HHS BLOG/リードミー
欢迎来到Hell Hole Studios Blog! 这是一个由HHS成员共同维护的blog网站,主要内容包括游戏、技术、数学、信息竞赛和旅游日记,主要blog语言有中文、英文(备注:点击标签来查看同标签内容)。下面的链接可能会帮助到您更好的浏览本站。 Welcome to the Hell Hole Stu…… -
MUTC 2019 Starts!
Today is the first day of MUTC!!! On this site there will be diary about our team (team0248). Good luck! MUTC is a series of OI contests held every year usually 10 contests in a row. -
Orange Boy Got T-shirt!!!
In a recent Codeforces Contest Codeforces Global Round 4, the Orange Boy MonkeyKing got a T-shirt by getting rank 449. BEST RATING CHANGE