HHSOJ Dev Log 19/4/14
更新内容 根据SYR神犇要求,在网站上添加代码编辑器。使用了ACE,而且还贴心的设计了自定义编辑器的功能。可以自己调样式、字体、自动补全等…… 同时提供了可供管理员自定义的Preference系统(就是用户参数表……)。可以修改源码增加Preference。 修复了一些BUG 注意:…… -
Codeforces Round #551 (Div.2)
Member: Chairman Jing, XGN, ZJS, XZM, ZHD Also In: Dummy Rong,HTC Problem Solver FST A All ZHD(hacked) B All None C All ZHD(unfinished) D Chairman Jing ZHD(unfinished) E Unsolved F Unsolved -
JSOI 2019 Diary Day 2
还是中文好…… 我顺便看一下你昨天的游记ZKY Problem A 蜜汁匹配…… 写6维DP写了40??YCS神犇好像写了50? 神犇和我期望分数XGN40SYR20ZKY50Charlie Yan50 Problem B 流浪地球的梗??一道树上问题 写了next_permutation连20分都跑不到,人家搜索搜的…… -
Codeforces Global Round 2
Member: Chairman Jing and XGN Also: Dummy Rong 19:35 2019/4/6 Pretest Passed: A,B,C,D,E ProblemSolverFSTABothNOBBothNOCCM.J.NODCM.J.NOEXGNNO A good competition 🙂 -
JSOI 2019 Diary Day 1
应XZM要求,这次改用中文 I told you there was nothing wrong with %I64d and %lld!XGN 预言:6题省选题中至少有3题和数据结构有关 Problem A 给出长度为N的整数数组A。求出A中区间异或值最大的K个的异或和。 好吧,其实60分很好拿(N小于等于1000)。但…… -
JSOI 2019 Diary Day 0
JSOI 2019 Diary Day 0 I came from the White House --ZKY Morning Get up at 7:40(can't sleep well) then watched Anime until 10am. Gonna take a Didi to South Station but waited for 20 minutes without seeing a car come. Then finally get a Didi Zhua…… -
Dev Log of HHSOJ (4-4)
去打省选,(可能)不更新HHSOJ~下次更新的话准备搭建Ace了(神TM Codeforces也在用)然后具体内容准备实现Custom Test。 Dear ZJS, you should write your bootstrap fix thx 🙂 -