XGN 的文章
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 54
Solved! Difficulty: Div2C 思考题 in dreamland Construct it XGN dreamt about the following problem when sleeping: You are given a positive integer n (2\leq n\leq 10^8). Output an arithmetic expression that yields the value n with the following…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 53 - Gaokao Special 2
思考题 which is an adaptation from a popular problem. The source problem is very popular. IDK if this adaptation has been made or not. Adaptation There are N people indexed from 1 to N in a room. Each of them is given a hat of a random color. The t…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 52 - Gaokao Special 1
Finally some geometry! Maybe very easy though. Currently I am undergoing the College Entrance Exam(GK) so I don't have many ideas for Competitive Programming problems. This problem is inspired by some math problem in GK Simulation. Of course, this …… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 51
思考题 of Div2B-C Elevator Welcome back to OBCYSIO! Orange Boy has been promoted to LGM boy so this series is in an awkward situation. This problem is very easy. Consider an elevator with a max speed of v_m m/s and an acceleration of a m/s^2. When …… -
ZJSTG2 Release!
After four months of development and nearly six months of Koto and TestSTG 5 development, here is the latest installment of ZJSTG -- ZJSTG2!! Probably the biggest(only) game project in 2022 Introduction ZJSTG2 is a Touhou-style bullet-hell shooting…… -
「狐狸在等我 The fox awaits me」游戏简评
大家好,我是XGN。临近期末考试,我却还有时间看VN。话说回来,最近真的看了好多VN(只两个),可能是我已经年老到只喜欢这些世俗的故事,再也没有办法享受游戏带来的打击感和刺激感了吧。(大嘘 这次带来的作品是「狐狸在等我」 英文版的标题是「The Fox Awaits Me」…… -
大家好,我是XGN!考虑到Blog上的技术内容属实有点少,今天就带来一点实用的。 笔者几个月前有幸捡到某reMarkable 1代产品,搭载了0.4的系统。由于某些臭名昭著的问题,笔者不得不做一些调教使其能够正常工作。现将笔者的调教经历发在这里,希望对大家有所帮助。 问题…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 50
anniversary 思考题 Very Easy Problem Wow! OBCYSIO has reached 50 episodes! Let's celebrate using a very popular and easy problem. Hikari and Ninetail are playing a game on an undirected graph of N nodes and M edges. They move in turns, with Hikari …… -
「Marco and Galaxy Dragon」游戏简评
唔……大家好,我是XGN。最近感觉都在发游戏文章,总感觉blog的学术性大大下降了。本来上次还有个OBCYSIO的,但是太简单了又没什么意思也没有发。 Anyway,今天带来的游戏是「Marco and Galaxy Dragon」(下略称为magd) 基本 星系 信息 MAGD是Tokyotoon开发的Visual No…… -
「Touhou Puppet Dance Performance」游戏简评
大家好,我是XGN。最近正在游玩的是「TPDP」 游戏简介 Touhou Puppet Dance Performance + Shard of Dreams (Extended) 是由 FocusLens和西方圈友开发的宝可梦+东方联动作品。玩家需要收集玩偶,解决玩偶异变。 笔者使用的是英文翻译版的游戏,Extended mod版本3.3(……