
包含标签:cp 的文章
  • XGNのJSOI2021游记


    From Hexo Also available on XGN Blog 大家好,我是每年都去省选摸鱼的XGN,今年一如既往的抱着旅游的心态去打JSOI,没想到竟然在我们学校……(计划泡汤 所以只能讲讲考场那些事了。 Day 0 周五下午试机还要上cr的选修课(也在机房)。于是就被ls老师叫去当无价劳……
    XGN 2021年4月12日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 45

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 45

    From Hexo Useful 思考题!! Replace Hikari is a cute white dragon girl. She is helping Ninetail - a fox girl, her master - correct composition.The original composition is a string S and the corrected one is another string T. Hikari claimed that……
    XGN 2021年4月5日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 44

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 44

    From Hexo String 思考题!! Boggle Constructor Ninetail is a clever fox girl. She loves to play Boggle! the rules are simple: Each player searches for words that can be constructed from the letters of sequentially adjacent cubes, where "adjace……
    XGN 2021年3月14日
  • Algorithms Unweekly Favarouite Problems in 2020 Season4

    Algorithms Unweekly Favarouite Problems in 2020 Season4

    By MonkeyKing from Hexo 所谓algorithms unweekly, 就是开心的时候就写点的有关的algorithms的blog, 如果你喜欢weekly的algorithms, 请移步这里Algorithms weekly by Petr。 那么你现在看到的就是第一篇algorithms unweekly,这篇文章讲的是笔者2020年第四季……
    MonkeyKing 2021年1月3日
  • 使用Idea的Java to Kotlin功能攻略Kotlin Round

    使用Idea的Java to Kotlin功能攻略Kotlin Round

    From XGN Blog. You can also pay a visit to XGN's blog 笔者在Kotlin Hero3中采用这种方法获得了top50的好成绩,为了让更多人了解到这个作弊技巧,特写此文。 目标 在不学Kotlin或基础语法不牢固的情况下在Kotlin Hero比赛中取得优异的成绩。 前置条件 Intell……
    XGN 2020年11月13日
  • 一种基于笛卡尔树的不稳定RMQ算法(玄学树)


    本文原未备份,在迁移到Hexo的过程中丢失。然而笔者在自己的手机中偶然发现一份副本,遂复原至新站。 本文发布时间仅精确到天。 以下为原文。 序 某一天早上我突然突发奇想弄了一个奇怪的数据结构...然后查了查发现就是笛卡尔树... 不过查询方法非常神奇,非常暴力,……
    Zzzyt 2020年6月3日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 40

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 40

    Simple 思考题 Ninja Try to find any of three integers X,Y,Z in a given integer array A of length N so that X+Y=Z. Example Input: A={1,2,3} Output: X=1,Y=2,Z=3 Input: A={0} Output: X=0,Y=0,Z=0 Input: A={1,9,2,6,0,8,1,7} Output: X=1,Y=8,Z=9 Input: A=……
    XGN 2020年4月15日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 39

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 39

    思考题 greedy? SMM Have you ever played Super Mario Maker (2)? There's an interesting mode called Endless Challenge. Let's look at a simplified version: The game contains N levels. The player plays from level 1 to level N in order. In Level i, ther……
    XGN 2020年3月22日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 38

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 38

    思考题 long ago Chess Ninetail and Doragon are playing Global Chess on a chessboard with N*M grids. The left-upper corner is (1,1) and the right-lower corner is (N,M) The Global Chess goes as follows: Each player has some soldiers. Ninetail plays ……
    XGN 2020年3月15日
  • LSS 4 Announcement & Editorial

    LSS 4 Announcement & Editorial

    Hi, coders! I, XGN, welcome you to LSS 4, the super easy contest. Contest Detail: Start at 2020/3/2 and deadline is the weekend after English Extra Exam is finished. Contest Duration: 1h Problem Count: 4 Score Distribution: 50+50+100+100 Difficult……
    XGN 2020年3月2日