包含标签:cp 的文章
From Hexo Also available on XGN Blog 大家好,我是每年都去省选摸鱼的XGN,今年一如既往的抱着旅游的心态去打JSOI,没想到竟然在我们学校……(计划泡汤 所以只能讲讲考场那些事了。 Day 0 周五下午试机还要上cr的选修课(也在机房)。于是就被ls老师叫去当无价劳…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 45
From Hexo Useful 思考题!! Replace Hikari is a cute white dragon girl. She is helping Ninetail - a fox girl, her master - correct composition.The original composition is a string S and the corrected one is another string T. Hikari claimed that…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 44
From Hexo String 思考题!! Boggle Constructor Ninetail is a clever fox girl. She loves to play Boggle! the rules are simple: Each player searches for words that can be constructed from the letters of sequentially adjacent cubes, where "adjace…… -
Algorithms Unweekly Favarouite Problems in 2020 Season4
By MonkeyKing from Hexo 所谓algorithms unweekly, 就是开心的时候就写点的有关的algorithms的blog, 如果你喜欢weekly的algorithms, 请移步这里Algorithms weekly by Petr。 那么你现在看到的就是第一篇algorithms unweekly,这篇文章讲的是笔者2020年第四季…… -
使用Idea的Java to Kotlin功能攻略Kotlin Round
From XGN Blog. You can also pay a visit to XGN's blog 笔者在Kotlin Hero3中采用这种方法获得了top50的好成绩,为了让更多人了解到这个作弊技巧,特写此文。 目标 在不学Kotlin或基础语法不牢固的情况下在Kotlin Hero比赛中取得优异的成绩。 前置条件 Intell…… -
本文原未备份,在迁移到Hexo的过程中丢失。然而笔者在自己的手机中偶然发现一份副本,遂复原至新站。 本文发布时间仅精确到天。 以下为原文。 序 某一天早上我突然突发奇想弄了一个奇怪的数据结构...然后查了查发现就是笛卡尔树... 不过查询方法非常神奇,非常暴力,…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 40
Simple 思考题 Ninja Try to find any of three integers X,Y,Z in a given integer array A of length N so that X+Y=Z. Example Input: A={1,2,3} Output: X=1,Y=2,Z=3 Input: A={0} Output: X=0,Y=0,Z=0 Input: A={1,9,2,6,0,8,1,7} Output: X=1,Y=8,Z=9 Input: A=…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 39
思考题 greedy? SMM Have you ever played Super Mario Maker (2)? There's an interesting mode called Endless Challenge. Let's look at a simplified version: The game contains N levels. The player plays from level 1 to level N in order. In Level i, ther…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 38
思考题 long ago Chess Ninetail and Doragon are playing Global Chess on a chessboard with N*M grids. The left-upper corner is (1,1) and the right-lower corner is (N,M) The Global Chess goes as follows: Each player has some soldiers. Ninetail plays …… -
LSS 4 Announcement & Editorial
Hi, coders! I, XGN, welcome you to LSS 4, the super easy contest. Contest Detail: Start at 2020/3/2 and deadline is the weekend after English Extra Exam is finished. Contest Duration: 1h Problem Count: 4 Score Distribution: 50+50+100+100 Difficult……