
XGN 的文章
  • 趙鎹圣慕岭~Circle Cycling Circumstance~

    趙鎹圣慕岭~Circle Cycling Circumstance~

    趙鎹圣慕岭~Circle Cycling Circumstance~ the second project of ZhaoSong series! This time you will slap your foe hard! Download
    XGN 2019年5月12日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.6

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.6

    思考题 for no one Tour You are given a tree of N nodes. Given another integer array A of length M. Little CMJ chooses M sequences of nodes. The i-th of them is X_1,X_2...X_{A_i} and he chooses them so that for each 1\leq i\leq A_i-1,there's an edge……
    XGN 2019年5月3日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.5

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.5

    思考题 for blue boy Roguelike Tree Statement You are given a tree of N nodes. Each node could be 3 status: passable(.), impassable(X), unknown(?). Now we randomly replace each "unknown" to "passable" or "impassable" then we need to find out the exp……
    XGN 2019年5月3日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.4

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.4

    思考题 for nobody Rougelike Game You are given a graph of N*M grids. Each grid can be a wall 'X',a path'.' or unknown '?' One grid is the start point 'S' and one grid is the end point 'E' Now we change the '?' randomly to 'X' or '.' and run shortes……
    XGN 2019年5月3日
  • Changing the Skin of Chrome Dino

    Changing the Skin of Chrome Dino

    Tutorial on installing texture packs of Chrome Dino Step 1 Open Chrome Dino anywhere. from chrome://dino maybe Step 2 Press F12, turn to Console and input: Runner.imageSprite.src="<Your image path>" with quotes Note that your image path shou……
    XGN 2019年5月1日
  • JSOI 2019 Diary Round 2 Day 1

    JSOI 2019 Diary Round 2 Day 1

    JSOI 2019 Diary Day 4 又是一场噩梦…… Problem A 一道毒瘤题的样子?读了2遍才把题目读懂……然后发现就不会做了。先去做T2了。 Problem B 我一看,和我出给300iq的神秘题目一样吗?不过要计数,难度瞬间上去了……10分的状压DP还是蛮好写的,然后写了20分的排列组合WA掉……
    XGN 2019年4月28日
  • JSOI 2019 Diary Round 2 Day 0

    JSOI 2019 Diary Round 2 Day 0

    JSOI 2019 Diary Day 3 第一轮烤考炸掉了我又厚颜无耻充满希望的回来啦!这次比赛是2019/4/28日在熟悉的南航举行。今天是试机日……本来不打算来的,但是试机可以不上HBHB说晚上不上课来试机,于是我就来了。 preInit(); 来得太早,人家还在上课……只能在教室外面等。看……
    XGN 2019年4月27日
  • HHSOJ Dev Log 4/21

    HHSOJ Dev Log 4/21

    期中考试不更新 🙂
    XGN 2019年4月21日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? EP.3

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? EP.3

    思考题 for everyone Man on Graph Given a graph of N nodes and M edges. On node i there are A_i men. Then each person moves along 1 edge randomly connected to the node he stands. But if two men walked along the same edge, they'll fight and both die.……
    XGN 2019年4月21日
  • Hell Hole Legend 2 Episode 1 - The Hamburger Turnabout Release

    Hell Hole Legend 2 Episode 1 - The Hamburger Turnabout Release

    What's the story behind the hamburgers? Welcome to Hell Hole Legend 2 Episode 1! Installing Download the game zip and run the PyWright.exe Click "Games" and click on the episode title to play:) Follow ingame instructions. Download For HHS Members,……
    XGN 2019年4月20日