
XGN 的文章
  • Orange Boy/Red Girl/Legendary Grandmeow Can You Solve It Out?

    Orange Boy/Red Girl/Legendary Grandmeow Can You Solve It Out?

    思考题 for grand contest Orange Boy(Monk.eyk.ing),Red girl(Mack.erel.pike) and their cat LGM(Legendary.Grand.Meow) are a happy family. But in fact, they are the heroes that is helping the world in silent. One day, the earth is under the attack……
    XGN 2019年7月26日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.18

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.18

    思考题 about poems Is your love as confusing as the sun acquiesced? Once a Chinese poem said: There's sun in the east but rain in the west, Is your love as confusing as the sun acquiesced? Now you are given a undirected weighted graph G of N ……
    XGN 2019年7月25日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.17

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.17

    思考题 for Hakurei Reimu Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom ZJS loves playing Touhou. In the famous STG game Touhou:Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom the game rules are defined as follows: The game consists of N "stages". Player start from Stage 1 and ends at Stage……
    XGN 2019年7月25日
  • 2019 多校(MUTC) Diary Round 2

    2019 多校(MUTC) Diary Round 2

    hi。我是队中最不给力的XGN。今天是MUTC第二场……我来瞎写一下今天的所见所闻。 「NOON」 中午12:00,比赛开始。和上次一样,我在上课。MK倒是在世贸可以参加比赛。SYR我就不知道了。反正等我到世贸的时候,大概12:15,世贸停电中……SYR没有到,空调没有开,没有灯和……
    XGN 2019年7月24日
  • Dr.Jing's Lecture Note Ep.2

    Dr.Jing's Lecture Note Ep.2

    OGF - Cayley Formula Question Statement Prove # of trees on [n] = n^{n-2} Solution f:(1,2,3,...,n)\to(1,2,3,...,n) f(1)=1,f(n)=n Functional Digraph(directed graph) D V(D)=[n] 编者注:V为节点集合 (i,j)\in E(D) if f(i)=j 注:E为边集合 Example | ……
    XGN 2019年7月24日
  • Dr.Jing's Lecture Note Ep.1

    Dr.Jing's Lecture Note Ep.1

    $\mathcal A$ is a collection of combinatorial objects. => $\mathcal A$ and $\mathcal B$ are combinatorically isomorphic if there exist a size-preserving bijection between $\mathcal A$ and $\mathcal B$ Q1 Prove that number of Dyck Paths D_{n-1} equa……
    XGN 2019年7月23日
  • Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.16

    Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.16

    思考题 of math again Slime Legend II In the world of fantasy, there lives N+1 types of monsters indexed from 0 to N. Each monster can be represented by an integer pow_i - their power. And specially, type 0 is SLIME. Slime has a special ability to "……
    XGN 2019年7月23日
  • [README]Guide Post/欢迎来到HHS BLOG/リードミー

    置顶 [README]Guide Post/欢迎来到HHS BLOG/リードミー

    欢迎来到Hell Hole Studios Blog! 这是一个由HHS成员共同维护的blog网站,主要内容包括游戏、技术、数学、信息竞赛和旅游日记,主要blog语言有中文、英文(备注:点击标签来查看同标签内容)。下面的链接可能会帮助到您更好的浏览本站。 Welcome to the Hell Hole Stu……
    XGN 2019年7月22日
  • MUTC 2019 Starts!

    MUTC 2019 Starts!

    Today is the first day of MUTC!!! On this site there will be diary about our team (team0248). Good luck! MUTC is a series of OI contests held every year usually 10 contests in a row.
    XGN 2019年7月22日
  • Orange Boy Got T-shirt!!!

    Orange Boy Got T-shirt!!!

    In a recent Codeforces Contest Codeforces Global Round 4, the Orange Boy MonkeyKing got a T-shirt by getting rank 449. BEST RATING CHANGE
    XGN 2019年7月21日