XGN 的文章
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 30 (Easy)
Solved! Difficulty: Div2D-Div2E If you prefer harder problem, please visit here 思考题 for dw Childish War (Easy) Miss. Broken Tail(Wei Duan) is the Math teacher of NFLS Class 8 Junior 3.She is a kind teacher. Miss. East(Fang Dong) is the Mat…… -
rng_58@号家军 Training 2 Diary
今天来到了rng_58的Training 2.难度是Div2. 首先一如既往的开始,我和XIZCM,ZZZYT,MK一起乘坐2路到达锁金村,在那之前和ZKY吃了西安面馆,同时读了题目。 RNG仍然先吃Pizzahut,dreamoon到场。 开始讲题,先统计过的人数(7,7,1,4,1,1)之后讲了4题,休息。 之后…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.29
思考题 with NFLS teachers Husky Miss Husky (Shiqi Hao) is the Art teacher of NFLS Class 8 Junior 3. She is a kind teacher. But in fact, she is a spy working for NFLS. One day, she received the task to observe all the schools in Nanjing. There are N…… -
NFLSPC Round 2 (XGN perspective)
Carrott视角 警告:本篇文章含有辱骂出题人内容,请酌情观看。 16:30 ZKY直接从班主任手中夺来提前离校权吗,乘坐2路返回本部。在某E茶吃饭。 17:30 比赛正式开始,不断网,非常爽! Fire 先看的这一题,难度1.00,非常简单的Dijkstra板子题,简单到让人感觉为出题…… -
rng_58@号家军 Training 1 Diary
不知道可不可以发……先写了吧。 首先,一放学就从南外乘坐2路到锁金村站下车,中间吃饭略,然后到达非常破烂的校园。教室在211,有DXM妈接待。 桌子上铺满了绿色的毯子,十分柔软,椅子上也是黄色的像大餐厅一样的布。得知没有网络和电源插座,非常sad 🙁 然后发了一本…… -
今天TM研究了一天这个破烂问题。 问题本质是git不走系统代理,再加上Github Desktop又不支持手动设置代理,只知道憨憨的调用git命令。解决问题的方法非常简单,就是设置git代理: 在命令行中输入(确保git在目录或path下): git config --global https.proxy…… -
HHS announces bankruptcy!
Sadly, HHS has no money to afford servers and domains 🙁 After 6 months, OJ will be shut down and the blog will be transferred to Github. The detailed link will be announced soon. Our project list and Discord servers will be still open. The datailed…… -
[XGN] CSP-S 2019 Diary
趁着XIZCM正在编辑,我也胡一篇 序章 「南京繁华夜」 周五晚上上完LD之后就来了,到达翠屏山宾馆9:40,没有干任何事情,睡觉睡不着。 路况不太好,晚上回江宁的人很多。 首章 「霸权不在晨」 11-16是第一天,看了一下,T1可做,不过要开ull很是奇妙。 T2可做,但是想…… -
Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep. 28
思考题 for 300iq Little Town Hero If you prefer easier version, please move to Ep 28.5 XGN is playing the new game Little Town Hero(LTH) recently, but he is too stupid to beat the bosses. So he askes Orange Boy to help him. In each turn, the player……