包含标签:monkeyking 的文章
Algorithms Unweekly Favarouite Problems in 2020 Season4
By MonkeyKing from Hexo 所谓algorithms unweekly, 就是开心的时候就写点的有关的algorithms的blog, 如果你喜欢weekly的algorithms, 请移步这里Algorithms weekly by Petr。 那么你现在看到的就是第一篇algorithms unweekly,这篇文章讲的是笔者2020年第四季…… -
Huawei Honorcup Round 2 比赛小记
随缘更新,写出一点progress就更一点 UPD1: 10.1 12:00 把图片读入转像素点完毕 UPD2: 10.1 14:15 jgh爆写restore,xgn写出checker UPD3: 10.1 19:00 考虑用颜色的相似度来判断两个block是否相似,再使用模拟退火找出答案,jgh NB! UPD4: 10.2 写了一个combination,进行…… -
2019 多校(MUTC) Diary Round 6
我是比GWQ和SYR更不会写日记的MK:) 因为我比较懒,所以前面一直没有写,今天的比赛和往常一样,正好在12:00开始。我先吃了饭,吃到了12:02,似乎也没有什么影响。 一开始,好像先做了1012题吧?反正是那个AC人数最多的题目,SYR想到了贪心,没有人想证,然后就去写…… -
Orange gwq come and solve it!!
You are given something, what is it? You don't know, but you are curious about it. You want to know what it is, but you can't. It made you unpleasant, you are somewhat angry. 当你的野心还撑不起你的才华时,就应该静下心来评论一下。 Formally,you are g…… -
Red boy can you solve it?
Rong Kong is a filial boy. There are N pears on the table. Both he and his brother can eat them. They both want to eat as much as they can. Each of them weighs a[i]. It costs a[i] time for a boy to eat a pear weighing a[i] and it gives him a[i] sat……